Created by Bradley Nelson, holistic Chiropractor and Medical Intuitive, this modality identifies and releases trapped energy forms and emotional imbalances in the body.
Can correct the following
Unexplained and continued negative and unproductive responses to life’s challenges.
What it is not
Not to be confused with Emotion Code, which deals with the emotions only.
Intended result or purpose
To discover and then dissipate trapped energy that creates imbalances within the body that can cause pain and dis-ease.
The general process
A Practitioner uses a process of questioning and Muscle Testing to identify a specific imbalance that may contribute to any number of unpleasant physical or emotional issues. Once identified, the imbalance is neutralized by the Practitioner with deliberate movement along the governing meridian of the recipient’s body. The Governing Meridian runs from the tailbone up over the skull to a position at the upper lip.
Energetic healing with Body Code
More information
Once the imbalance or stuck memory is identified, it is possible to specify at what age you were impacted, from whom and whether it’s an inherited energy pattern from your lineage. When you know the age, many times you will remember a seemingly benign event that may have contributed to the energetic blockage. It’s fascinating to realize Aunt Martha’s rude remarks at Thanksgiving when you were 12 are still lingering in your aura!