The process of sensing, then clearing or cleansing a person’s energy field through clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience or other metaphysical means.
Can correct the following
Feeling ungrounded, not feeling like yourself for no discernable reason.
Intended result or purpose
This is one of the best modalities to start your healing process as it grounds you and fortifies your personal energetic protection layer, your auric body.
The general process
The Practitioner energetically manipulates the energy field (aura) in such a way as to cleanse it of energetic structures that don’t belong there, including energetic hooks or cords to other people. The work also heals rips or tears in the aura to make it whole again. This explanation will require a bit of faith on your part as no two Practitioners are the same in their methods. The work is done by means of the Practitioner ‘seeing’ or sensing the energy field, not unlike the ‘seeing’ ability of a psychic.
More information
Like washing your hands before preparing a meal, this is an excellent preparation for more in-depth healing work.