A way to discover your past life scenarios from your subconscious mind while being relaxed, but fully aware.
What it is not
This is not a way to relive traumatic experiences. Your Guides (or subconscious, if you prefer) will not let you see a life scenario you are not ready to see. You are not reliving the experience, but rather are being made aware of it, like a small video clip of an interesting story.
Can correct the following
- Unexplained Fears
- Depression
- Phobias.
Intended Result or Purpose
Know what it feels like to experience a more positive life scenario. Unearth hidden talents and creativity. Understand unexplained fears or beliefs. Fill in the gaps in your understanding of self.
The General Process
The Practitioner verbally guides you into a relaxed meditative state. You are then guided to choose a pathway, each leading to a different life scenario. If you get stuck and are unable to make any discover, the Practitioner will prompt you further along the timeline of thought thereby helping you move forward until you discover something useful.
More Information
Even if you aren’t sure you believe in Past Lives, the process still works. Non-believers can safely assume their subconscious mind is making up a scenario that will help them in their personal growth. You are always in control and have free will.