Growing up in Trauma has its own rewards.
Early on, I learned there was something unseen that I could rely on. The incidences that gave me the proof aren’t even the point because regardless of how I learned this, I have no doubt that there are unseen forces that we can rely on.
I hungered to know more because it was a safe diversion from our family chaos, and it gave me hope. I gravitated to people with expanded thinking and found a sort of kinship and healing there.
In 1988 I met Hanna Kroeger at Chapel of Miracles in Boulder Colorado. Her little Chapel served as a Retreat Center where healers from all over the world came to hear her speak and where we mingled and shared our metaphysical thoughts.
I witnessed one healing miracle after another in that Little Chapel. And soon understood the direct link between (energetic) vibration and health of the human body. One such event involved my 3-month-old baby. He had fallen and was medically checked out, even while leg tremors and drooling continued. In that Little Chapel, where he received a laying on of hands, his tremors and drooling abruptly stopped. The swelling and pale face immediately subsided, and his scalp returned to a supple normal color within moments. Tears well up at retelling this story. How tragic his life may have become had it not been for the manipulation of energetic vibration on this little kid.
I learned many other holistic energy healing methods and began applying a select few to my life, each one moving me along my journey in a profound way.
It became apparent that no single method of healing is right for everyone and no one modality will make all our woes magically disappear. It requires different techniques, over time, to clear out the energetic baggage. I have nothing but gratitude at being able to experience many different methods and choose what resonated.
My experience was so profound, moving from closed and resentful to open and thriving, that I wanted others to know about this closeted pool of wisdom. If there was a way to introduce others to the vast array of tools available, letting them decide for themselves which modality might work for them in their own journey to wholeness, what a grand service that would be. Choice is a beautiful thing!
SoulSpeak was born that day.
For me, the miracles continue. And although I’ve been a staunch believer in alternative health care for most of my adult life, I understand that’s not true for everyone.
My purpose is for introduction, explanation, and community. You are welcome to take as little or as much as you’d like.
My hope is that you find a healing method that speaks to you. One that starts the process of lifting the energetic imprint of your burdens. You deserve to be happy, content, fulfilled, fruitful.