A therapeutic way to balance emotions and mitigate pain by activating meridian points on the body.
Can correct the following
A wide range of negative emotions and behaviors including it’s extensive use to relieve anxiety.
Intended result or purpose
To take the edge off the immediate negative emotion or behavior. This leads to an opportunity to notice and process feelings and emotions rather than reacting to the negative emotion. The result can be long term. Although if no long-term change is noticed, this is the perfect opportunity to utilize a modality that will work on a deeper level to remove any energetic imprints at the source.
The general process
With the guidance of a Practitioner/Counselor, the process involves tapping specific points on the body, primarily on the head and the face, in a sequence. While doing this, focus on the issue that you wish to change. The issue is presented with a phrase and then a statement of self-acceptance. If you are comfortable with the process, you can do this for yourself. Here are examples:
“Even though I (name issue here), I deeply and completely accept myself.”
“Even though I binge eat unhealthy snacks late at night, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
“Even though I feel resentful every time I talk with my Mother, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
More information
Many holistic Counselors employ this modality in their sessions. Once you know the process, you can practice this at home (workplace) whenever you feel the need.
Complimentary modalities
Also known as
Emotionally Focused Therapy, Tapping, Psychological Acupressure